I have a couple of zines in stock right now, but since this distro
is brand new, there isn't many yet. If you have a personal.cut 'n paste.political.punk. or any zine or DIY project you'd like
to submit to be distroed, send me a copy, of whatever it is you have, e-mail me with the following info.:
-send me a copy of your zine for consideration
-send a card with this info.: (on it along with the zine)
-Name of your zine
-what type of zine. personal.political.music.goth.random
-What size the zine is. quarter.half.full page, what is the weight?
-approx. number of pgs. b&w or color?
-a brief descirption or your zine.
-your url (for zine if you have one) and e-mail
-a brief description of your self*
as DIY projects. CD's.Viynl(punk please).mix tapes.zines on tape.etc.
-follow the same guidelines as "Zines", but replace as best suits
your needs
-I am very interested in your DIY project/s, and would love to
have a wide range of DIY products, so don't hesitate to contact me.