How to be Distroed:
1. Fill out the form on the left, and then it is directly sent to me.
2. Once I recieve you form, and review it, I will contact you and confirm everything.
3. Send me a copy of the zine/s you wish to have me distro, so I can review it/them.
4. Once I read the zine/s you send, I will get back to you, and tell you if I'd like to distro your zine/s.
5. If I like it, I'll give you more information on how many zines to send me(for the distro).
6. Once you send me the copies I asked, I will send your payment* in full.
7. D.I.E. Distro is very open minded and welcomes all sorts of things to be distroed. It is mainly a zine distro,
but I am now welcoming not only zines but also diff. kinds of DIY projects, cds/records, comics, and other diff. types of
creative things.
8. Just fill out the form on the left and that's it! Any questions?, your almost done, now just fill the form out below.